Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Film Diary 3 He Ping Fan Dian

The setting is very much alike Dragon Gate Hotel, yet set up in modern time. It is a story of fatalism and the love relations between the two leading characters is not that convincing to me. I don't think that a man is in relationship with a woman mostly because she is the double of his former lover is fair to both women. Chow's acting is not very different from The Bund.

Ye Tong was sexy and beautiful in this film. I never thought that she could be so attractive.

And, the interlude song is a big pleasure to listen to. 谢谢你用心爱着我。

But this is the last film of Chow in HK. After this one, he left for the US. And HK film industry quickly declined. There is no peace in He Ping hotel. The king is dead and the kingdom is gone.

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