Tuesday, January 18, 2011


这是个神人。美国出生,说一口地道的美语,上大学却去读英文,玩儿了五年民歌驻唱,对戏剧艺术发生了兴趣,又跑回加州伯克利念戏剧博士。博士读完了,却不想正儿八经当个学者,又跑回他嘴里的”戏剧沙漠“去建筑他戏剧的Las Vegas。没经过剧本写作的训练,自己写起了剧本儿。写剧本也就罢了,竟然还写起了了三俗之一的相声,,没想到一夜成名,名利双收,从此一步步登上台湾现代戏剧之父的宝座。


他是个精力充沛的speaker,近两个小时的talk,他硬是一口气没歇,一口水没喝,口才实在了得。我并不对他讲的一切都买账,且觉得有些神话,说多了真的会假作真时真亦假。但我很喜欢他讲的cause和effect在表演中的关系,他的戏剧观,他对create moments的讲解,对创作方法的感悟。但总的来说,深讲的东西少,介绍的东西多,以至于我现在除了在现场的愉悦感,回忆不起来太多的感触点。



Saturday, January 15, 2011

In the Name of Love

Bill Zeller, a 27 year old PhD student, took his own life last week. He left a letter on his web page before he committed suicide. The letter explains why he did what he did. In this letter, he said that he wanted it to be made public and circulated so more people can see. That's what I am doing here -


The letter reveals that for the last 23 years, Bill Zeller had carried his secret and and fought with the darkness inside him everyday. It shows the great pain he had suffered when he was alive. He was desperate for love, for understanding, and for trust. This lonely and wounded soul had never stopped trying to live a respectful life, to love others while feeling being loved, to seek for solution to stay away from the hurtful past. My tears was running down my face like a stream when I read his letter. He is extremely cynical, and had trust problems. But these are because there is a hole in his heart and he was suffering unspeakable pain. He is not incapable of love; he understands love perfectly. When he met the one who loved him dearly, he wrote -

"She was so loving and kind to me and gave me everything I could have asked for under the circumstances. I'll never forget how much happiness she brought me in
those briefs moments when I could ignore the darkness. I had originally
planned to kill myself last winter but never got around to it. (Parts of
this letter were written over a year ago, other parts days before doing
this.) It was wrong of me to involve myself in her life if this were a
possibility and I should have just left her alone, even though we only
dated for a few months and things ended a long time ago. She's just one
more person in a long list of people I've hurt."

But his pain and his dark secret destroyed him and his relationships, including the one he described in details in his letter. He is an arrogant kid, too arrogant to tell anyone in the world what had happened to him before he took his own life. He was not born to be so arrogant and self-defensive; he was made to. I understand that the more one's life was crushed under the fate's feet, the more one wants to prove that he/she is worth living.

How much I wish that time can fly backward. How much I wish I could know him in person and was able to tell him that opening up your heart to trustful people would not make you inferior but could only save you. If they see you as "ruined or traumatized," and if they spread your secret, that's their problem. That's because they are not decent people, not understanding how much courage it takes for a wounded soul to talk.

HOw much I wish that his family could love him in the way that he wants to be loved. How much I wish that he could hug himself and told himself "I love you."

I feel extremely sad this morning, for Bill Zeller's death. I do not see him just as a victim of sexual violence and child abuse. In my eyes, he is much more than that. He had a soul that can fly, and he had the talent that many people do not have. Yet he died, so young and innocent. I understand that death might be the best solution he could find given what he had in his life. He wrote:

"Some people are just dealt bad hands in this life. I know many people
have it worse than I do, and maybe I'm just not a strong person, but I
really did try to deal with this. I've tried to deal with this every day
for the last 23 years and I just can't fucking take it anymore."

I don't think that he did not survive because he is not as strong as others. On the opposite, I think that he is very strong to be able to live up to 27 years, fighting the darkness every day. I just wished that he could be listened more carefully and intensively, and his pain could be dealt with more delicacy and love.

Friday, January 7, 2011

1000 "Friends" on Facebook


The news reminds me of one episode of Southpark in which one lonely kid tried to secure a friend online and ended up killing himself when his only facebook friend deleted his name from the friend list. Nowadays, if one doesn't have a facebook account, he/she could be thought of as an alien. If one doesn't have over one hundred friends listed in one's facebook page, he/she seem to be "out." And being "out" is a sin.

Facebook has some positive functions. It can bring a family closer and bring more like-minded people together. But it is only a communication tool, not the end of communication, not the communication itself. I don't know how one can have one hundred or over one thousand "friends." I also don't know the meaning of posing every details of daily activities online. What's the point of telling one's "friends" "I ate an apple," or "I got up at 11:00am"? Does telling the others everything one does/think/like/dislike help them know one better and more quickly? I doubt it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Farmer's Market at Okland

This is a wonderful farmer's market. The goods are fresh and nice. The price is reasonable. The majority of the sellers here are Chinese immigrants or immigrants from other Asian countries. I feel at home each time I go to this market. Love, love, love it!!

PS: It has the best stew chicken ever.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First try

My first try.

Tips - Eating it at a Japanese restaurant might be a better choice than making it at home. The raw fishes are expensive and ... it breaks your back to prepare for one bowl like this. It Looks easy, but it is a three- hour work! BUT, I did enjoy the whole process.

PS: My hands shook before they got to touch the sashimi grade fish. I thought it was the tea, but who knows.

This is the professional outfit from Sanrak. Compared with this, mine is like a plain pebble by the river bank. But you see the potential of me to shine some day, right?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moscato d'Asti

Yesterday we went to Chez Panisse, the famed Americanized French restaurant on Shattuck, Berkeley. I had a duck leg with braised red cabbage and mashed yam (what a combination), which is exotic enough for me to feel refreshed. But what impressed me most is the wine!

I tried a cup of Bourgogne Vézelay to go with the duck leg. It tasted fantastic with a long elegant fragrant and fruity finish. The fragrance of the wine is so appealing that the restaurant chose a wide opening tulip shape drinking glass, which left enough room for the consumer to capture the bouquet in the upper bowl as it rises from the swirled wine.

What surprised me most was the dessert wine. I chose Moscato d'Asti with no idea of what it was. Then I was served a glass of sparkling white wine that had strong and pleasant flowery and fruity bouquet, like a combination of rose, apple, and rosebud. It is sweet, but because of the sparkling, it has a sharp refreshing flavor that offset the sweetness in a good way, and brings enormous balance to the flavor.

I never thought that I would be so impressed by wine. I never realized that a good wine can be so delicate and beautiful that, like a good movie, I would never forget and would like to go back to it. I guess the experience of tonight is like a new expedition with full reward.

To my hubby -- I would deeply thank you for your wonderful spirit of exploration and for your loving generous companion in my journey to the new world.